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Customized in-house training for companies

Customized in-house training for companies Optimized for the needs of each company Customized in-house training design and operation

Executive training : TMT(Top Management Team) program 

Type 1. Coaching type

A method of individual consulting (coaching) by an <expert panel> to objectively evaluate the capabilities of executives and derive an accurate ‘innovation agenda’ so that each executive’s capabilities can be maximized based on individual competency analysis data.

Facilitator - 임원, Business Coach, Academic Coach

Expert Panel

  • A management education institution selected by approximately 200 companies since 1995
  • Designing a customized program optimized to suit the needs of the company by combining the domestic business environment and overseas advanced MBA
  • A faculty composition system centered on thorough course evaluation that is not limited to affiliation.

Type 2. module

Establishing a company's executive education system or teaching subjects derived from the company's unique core competencies in module form

진정한 임원이 되기 위해서는 무엇을 배워야 하는가?

Type 3. workshop

To systematically organize business experience and apply it strategically in practice

Case-based short-term Intensive Executive Workshop

[L Group : Education example]
For the purpose of recognizing market changes, changing business paradigms, and understanding key strategic issues of the company.3 days and 2 nights training for executives of group companies
워크샵 일정표
1 Day 2 Day 3 Day
Strategic Management and Decision Making :
Essential Cases
strategic decision making :
Biz. Tool & Framework for Executive
New growth engine (Business diversification, New business development, etc. : Utilizing for L Group
Customized MBA for each core talent position

MBA education by position to cultivate core talent of the company

Various types of training available depending on corporate needs

Degree course available (Overseas university connection possible)Direct

Customized for companies MBA education type

S기업 L과정-핵심 MBA교과 / L기업 L과정 - 사례연구 리더특강 독서교육, 경영 시뮬레이션, 핵심 MBA교과 / S기업 S과정 - 비즈니스 프로젝트, 경영 시뮬레이션, 핵심 MBA교과 / D기업 C과정 - 해외과정 Field Trip, 비즈니스 프로젝트, 경영 시뮬레이션, 핵심 MBA교과
Training by field/issue

Providing practical solutions to corporate sales issues based on the know-how of the aSSIST Sales Innovation MBA, the first of its kind in Korea.

영업전문가 + 실무전문가 = 영업전문 컨설던트
[K group training example]
‘Sales Skill Trainer’ training to improve performance of low performers in field sales according to the needs of the company
The purpose is to develop managerial capabilities to provide sales activity support (coaching/skill transfer) to high performers with sales capabilities.
  • Improving performance of low performers in field sales
  • Systematization of sales skills, strengthening group capabilities