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Credit Composition
Program Schedule
Opening days :
Every year in March, September
Received applications :
Disclosure of the homepage before the start of each year, about 5 months before
Duration of training :
1.5 years (3 semesters)

March Opening

March Opening
1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Core Core/Elective Elective HRP
Business Project

September Opening

September Opening
1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester
9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
Core Core/Elective HRP Elective
Business Project
  • HRP(Helsinki Residence Program): Finland Helsinki Aalto University Overseas intensive course (about 2 weeks)
  • Business Project:
    • - 학습으로 습득한 이론과 사례를 통해 현업의 이슈를 해결해 가는 방법으로, 이론과 실제의 적용
    • - 프로젝트 결과물은 회사측면에서 직원 교육과 더불어 주요 현안을 해결할 수 있는 output 을 기대할 수 있음
Credit Composition
Credit Composition
Sortation The content of the curriculum Number of courses opened
The 1st semester of the domestic course Core 7 Subject
The 2th semester of a domestic course Core/Elective 6 Subject
HRP Overseas intensive course 3 Subject
The 3rd semester of a domestic course Elective 6 Subject
Business Project 1 Subject
  • Graduation requirements : Take 36 or more credits
  • required courses:
    • - Operations Management
    • - Management Accounting and Control
    • - Management Communication
    • - International Marketing Management
    • - Economics for Executives
    • - Strategic Human Resource Management
    • - Strategic Management
    • - Capstone Module
    • - Corporate Finance
    • - Financial Accounting
    • - Personal and Organizational Leadership
  • Subject composition: One subject consists of a total of 24 hours.
  • Lecture hall: The lecture hall can be changed depending on the current status of course registration.
커리큘럼 코스
Core Module Elective Module
Core Module Concentration Module General Module
  • 일부 모듈은 변경될 수 있으며, 신청자가 적을 경우 개설되지 않을 수 있습니다.
구분 과목명
Core Module
  • Strategic Management
  • Economics for Executives
  • International Marketing Management
  • Management Accounting and Control
  • Personal & Organizational Leadership
  • Management Communication
  • Operations Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Capstone Module
  • Business Project
  • Helsinki Residence Program (HRP) Aalto Track
Elective Module
  • Negotiation Strategy
  • ESG Management
  • Design Management
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Intellectual Property Strategy
  • Strategic Brand Management
  • New Venture Startup
  • Creativity and Business Innovation
  • M&A and Financing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Transformation with AI
  • International Business Contract
  • Strategic Marketing Management in China

과목소개 자세히 보기

구분 과목명 교과내용
Core Operations Management This module examines operations management in both manufacturing and service organizations and emphasizes tools and principles that can be applied in either sector. The module discusses how organizations can gain a significant competitive advantage by coordinating complex and dynamic systems of people, technology and materials. It develops a process view of operations to better understand key operational decisions in the management of capacity, cycle time, quality and linkages to other partners in the value network. Such a perspective leads to a better understanding of demand-supply chain dynamics, and also helps quantify the value of information in the demand-supply chain.
Management Accounting and Control This module provides an understanding of the relevance of financialand related information, for managers and other persons inside organ-izations, to make strategic, organizational, and operational decisions. Emphasis is on how cost information can be used to support various decisions. Besides supporting decision-making, management control systems are crucial to ensure that strategies are translated into action. The module covers contemporary alternatives for control system design. Management accounting and control systems constitute a core of what is called "corporate performance management" today. The main objective is to help participants to be more effective in using management accounting information and various other control mechanisms to increase their competitive advantage.
Management Communication This module explores key communication skills and strategies that enable managers to communicate effectively within organizational contexts. The class examines current theories of communication strategy and provides decision-making frameworks and analytical tools that allow participants to plan and deliver effective messages. Students also have opportunities to practice, improve, and receive feedback on their skills as business presenters, business writers, and interpersonal communicators.
International Marketing Management This module looks at the various forms marketing takes in contemporary international organizations. Marketing can be viewed as a process, a set of skills and competences, a way of thinking, or a strategic concern, and this module aims to provide the participants with a holistic view on this multifaceted discipline. The course covers themes such as understanding and analyzing marketing contexts, generating and applying market and customer insight, designing winning value propositions, communicating customer value through brands and integrated marketing communication, developing and executing effective marketing plans and go-to-market strategies, measuring the impact of marketing investments, and understanding the value of strategic marketing.
Economics for Executives This module introduces the participants to the principles of economic analysis of the environ-ment in which firms and organizations operate. The module offers a discussion of the basic principles of a market economy and an introduction to the main components and actors of an economy. The module is also devoted to the understanding of the behavior of these actors and the interactions between them. The objective of the module is to help the participants understand how the developments around the world will impact business environment through various economic links and interactions and through decisions of various players in the global economy. The emphasis is on under-standing the theoretical underpinnings of current economic events around the world.
Strategic Human Resource Management Management is basically about getting things done through people. This course is intended to address how corporations can and do manage human resources as a source of competitive advantage. The course will expose the participants to the intersection between human resource management (HRM), competitive strategy, and the management of multinational firms. The purpose is not to get into technical details of HRM that are best left to specialists; rather, the course adopts the perspective of the general manager who addresses human resources topics from a business perspective.
Strategic Management The domain of the Strategic Management module is to explore alternate approaches and styles needed for developing and main-taining the long-term viability of contemporary businesses and other organizations. The module presents key concepts and frameworks that organizational decision makers can employ to negotiate the very turbulent and challenging environment confronting them. The primary focus is on fundamental issues in strategy: situation analysis, core competence, competitive strategy, and value-capturing business models.
Corporate Finance This course provides students with opportunities to apply a broad spectrum of financial principles to the analysis of realistic corporate financial situations. The course explores the numerous foundation concepts of modern financial management in-depth. These concepts are used to develop practical solutions to common financial problems.
Financial Accounting Financial Accounting is used to provide useful financial information so that investors, creditors and other users can make relevant and well informed decisions. In recent years much work has been done in order to improve this information through updating accounting standards and this continues to be the trend at the moment. The course takes a global perspective on Information Reporting and highlights accounting and financial terminology, financial ratio analysis, knowledge assets, intangibles, consolidation, auditing, it also examines the development of accounting standards, the implementation of these standards and how to interpret the output from these standards in real company situations.
Personal and Organizational Leadership Importance of human resources as a competitive weapon has become very critical, as the world becomes extremely competitive. Manage-ment of human resources requires a thorough understanding of the dynamic interactions among employees, and between employees and organizations as well. This class will examine diverse management issues.
Elective Strategic Finance The objective of this course is to provide the tools and techniques that allow the students to think strategically when they face financial problems. This course will introduce the theory and practice of corporate finance and will help students to develop the conceptual foundations as well as basic tools for decision making in finance.
Negotiation Strategy The goal of the Negotiation Strategy course is to make your business more successful through development of negotiation skills and application of those skills in a global environment. Negotiation is a dynamic process in which certain analytical and interpersonal skills are indispensable for success. The course will show how to develop a strategy for negotiation that is based on clear analysis of key stake-holders and their interests, and how to implement that strategy effectively. The course applies negotiation theories in a variety of contexts including sales, purchasing, outsourcing, personnel and strategic management. Students will learn to develop pre-negotiation strategies, how to manage the negotiation process, and how to finalize the negotiation.
International Business The aim of this course is to analyze the theory and practice of inter-national business and the multinational enterprise (MNE) in the context of rapid technological change in the international economy. The course analyses the factors that shape the globalization process and the internationalization of the firm and presents conceptual frameworks for the analysis of multinational enterprises. Key topics of study include: the impact of globalization on firm behavior and operations; the evolution and development of multinational enter-prises and their geographic sweep of international business activities; specific modes of exporting, licensing, franchising, manufacturing, acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances; and the movement of goods, services, capital, knowledge and technology across national borders.
Design Management This course provides students with understanding on the nature of design economy, the concept of design promotion, and its application to the business. The topics will include: Design, Image, Brand, Design Management, and Design Promotion. It will also cover the latest internal and external cases and their application to the businesses.
Statistics & Decision Models The purpose of this course is to give students an understanding of statistics and optimization in managerial decisions. This course provides computer programs to implement MS/OR and other statistics, as well as data analysis and management science in a business environment. Students will develop practical application of the tools and techniques approaching decision making.
Strategic Marketing Management in China This course is designed to help students understand the major economic trends and strategic marketing skills in China. The course begins with the fundamental changes in China's economy and introduces some important and relevant business issues.
세부트랙(Aalto Track)

차세대 경영자 육성을 목표로 국제경영의 흐름을 예측하고 올바른 경영전략을 수립할 수 있는 경영학적 안목과 마인드 배양에 주된 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 철저한 실무중심의 교육내용으로 구성

세부트랙 내용 수강과목
Global Management
국제경영의 흐름을 예측하고 올바른 경영전략을 수립할 수 있는 경영학적 안목과 마인드 배양에 초점을 맞춘 실무중심의 교육내용 구성
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Cross-Cultural Management & Communication
  • Self Leadership
  • Strategic Innovation and Transformation
  • International Business Contract 外
International Design Business Management
기술, 디자인, 마케팅 부서간의 효율적인 의사소통을 위해 분야별 전문 지식의 습득기회를 제공하고 심화 프로젝트를 통해 경쟁력 있는 상품 및 브랜드 개발 등 마케팅 테크닉 습득
  • Service Design
  • Project Workshop
  • Managing Creativity
  • Design Management
  • Advanced Brand & Design Strategy 外
Corporate Entrepreneurship KOTRA(대한무역투자진흥공사) 아카데미와의 공동기획으로 한국기업의 성공적인 해외 시장진출과 지속 가능한 성장을 이끌어 갈 수 있는 해외 마케팅 전문인력 양성
  • Start-up
  • Managing Innovation and Renewal
  • New Venture Development 外
Digital Transformation 전 세계적인 저성장시대를 돌파하기 위해 기업가 정신을 배양하고 신성장동력을 창출하기 위한 역량 개발, 핀란드 스타트업의 사례 및 프로세스를 학습
  • Blockchain
  • Digital Transformation
  • Digital Technology Management with AI
  • Business Analytics
Overseas Marketing Management
모바일, 클라우드, 빅데이터, 인공지능(AI), 사물인터넷(IoT), 로봇 등 디지털기술의 놀라운 혁신으로 인한 기업경영, 고객관리, 비즈니스 프로세스 등 새로운 경영 환경을 준비
  • Strategic Marketing Management in China
  • International Trade Environment
  • International Business Contracts
  • Global Marketing Management
  • Studies in Foreign Direct Investment 外
핀란드 헬싱키 현지 해외연수 사진

2022년 HRP(Helsinki Residence Program)
핀란드 헬싱키 현지 해외연수 사진