
Program Overview

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Master's Program in AI Fintech


Program Overview
Course Introduction

With the recent rapid digitalization of South Korea's financial landscape, the financial market is undergoing significant restructuring. Consequently, mergers and acquisitions between various financial institutions, fintech, and big tech companies are starting to emerge. In this environment, traditional financial institutions such as banks are undergoing such rapid changes that they can no longer be considered as stable organizations.

In the case of the United States, it has been reported that in 2019, an astronomical amount of $1400 trillion was poured into Digital Transformation. However, it's reported that over 70%, which amounts to $1000 trillion, was wasted without yielding any income. This statistic indicates that merely hiring a few genius technologists or investing significant amounts in digital equipment or software development does not guarantee the accomplishment of digital financial innovation.

According to recent labor statistics in South Korea, 70% of current employees in financial institutions come from non-engineering backgrounds. There is a significant lack of digital experts due to a high number of individuals unfamiliar with digital technology and limited availability of tech professionals that can be recruited externally. From the perspective of financial institutions, it is crucial now to provide rapid education and training to current financial employees to transform them into innovators within the changing digital finance landscape. Additionally, organizational capabilities supporting this transformation are more critical than ever. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of current financial employees, it can be said that acquiring digital skills enabling survival in the swiftly changing digital finance environment is more crucial now than ever before.

However, can finance industry employees immediately acquire digital capabilities simply by learning coding, programming skills, and completing a few courses in big data? To truly enhance digital capabilities, it requires not only acquiring technical skills but also a shift in the organizational culture and a change in the analytical paradigm for addressing real-world problems. Acquiring these skills often reaches limitations through individual efforts alone and tends to involve a lot of trial and error.

aSSIST's "AI Fintech Master's Program" focuses on equipping students not only with digital technology skills but also with the ability to identify and solve operational and managerial issues within the finance industry. Additionally, the program supports the acquisition of innovative approaches to address business problems using various digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain.

For organizational leaders looking to spearhead the digital transformation in financial institutions, professionals aiming to elevate their careers in the finance industry as innovative core talents within their organizations, and individuals exploring new business prospects and venturing into entrepreneurship within the finance sector, we invite you to join aSSIST's 'AI Fintech Master's Program' to discover solutions and progress together.

Course Features
  • Developing the ability to keenly identify managerial issues in the digital financial landscape.
    • - aSSIST's business professors, who have been conducting programs such as AI Strategic Management Master's Program and Venture Capital MBA for several years, systematically guide students in the AI•Fintech Master's Program to cultivate the ability to sharply identify managerial issues in the digital financial environment.
  • Systematically educating digital technology through aSSIST's unique methodology.
    • Professors responsible for aSSIST's core digital subjects, who have been operating the AI Big Data MBA for a long time, systematically educate various digital techniques such as artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain.
    • We provide a structured coding education that is easily graspable even for non-engineering backgrounds. This allows students to undertake projects addressing various issues in the finance field using these skills. Furthermore, we support the option to substitute these project outcomes as part of the graduation thesis.
    • Upon successful completion of projects, we offer administrative support for applying to financial regulatory sandboxes.
  • Providing opportunities to accurately and comprehensively understand policies, laws, and industry trends across various sectors within the finance industry.
    • In courses such as 'Korea's Financial Business' and 'Analysis of Digital Financial Policies and Related Laws,' we invite numerous instructors with extensive experience in the financial industry to provide firsthand insights, allowing students to grasp current trends vividly.
    • High-ranking government officials, lawyers, financial institution employees, and researchers with extensive experience in various financial sectors such as banking, capital markets, insurance, asset management, will participate as guest speakers for special lectures.

aSSIST AI•핀테크 석사 주임교수

논문 및 저서

  • 「가상자산에 대한 정부 세법 개정안의 평가 및 개선방안」, 세무와 회계연구 제9권 제4호 (2020)
  • 「우리나라의 외국납부세액 공제제도의 문제점 및 개선방안 – 외국의 디지털 경제 관련 세제 도입이 확대되는 상황을 고려하여」, 한국조세재정연구원 (2020)
  • 최근 국제조세조정에 관한 법률」 시행령에 도입된 ‘무형자산에 대한 이전가격세제’의 분석과 적용사례, 계간세무사 (2020)
  • “최근 개정된 국내세법상 고정사업장 규정의 의의와 한계”, 재정포럼(2019)
  • “국내 미등록 특허권 사용대가 관련 세법개정안에 대한 소고(小考)”, 월간조세, (2019)
  • “디지털 경제환경에서 도전받는 국제조세 기본 틀”, 계간세무사 (2019)


  • 2002 : 프랑스 시앙스포 (Sciences-po) 대학 경제학박사
  • 1992 : 미국 버클리(UC Berkeley) 대학 경영학석사 (MBA)
  • 1984 : 제28회 행정고시 합격
  • 1983 : 서울대학교 경영대학 졸업


  • 2007~현재 : 법무법인(유) 율촌
  • 2019~2020.2 : IFA Korea (한국 국제조세협회) 이사장
  • 2013~2017 : 기획재정부 국제거래가격 과세조정심의위원회의 위원
  • 2013~2015 : 기획재정부 세제발전심의위원회 위원
  • 2010~2014 : 국무총리실 자체 평가위원
  • 2010~2014 : 현대인베스트먼트 사외이사
  • 2010~2013 : UN 조세전문가 회의 이전가격 소위원회 민간위원
  • 2010~현재 : 조세일보 객원 논설위원
  • 2009~현재 : 세계은행 산하 국제투자분쟁해결기구 한국조정위원
  • 2007 : 재정경제부 부이사관 승진, 기획예산처 파견근무
  • 2006~2007 : 재정경제부 세제실 법인세제과장
  • 2005~2009 : UN 조세전문가회의 부의장
  • 2005~2006 : 재정경제부 세제실 국제조세과장
  • 2004~2005 : 재정경제부 세제실 소득세제과장
  • 2003~2004 : 재정경제부 국세심판원 제9조사관
  • 1998~1999 : 재경부 세제실 소득세과 주무서기관
  • 1995~1998 : 재경부(원) 세제실 국제조세과 주무서기관(사무관)
  • 1994~1995 : 재무부 경제협력국 외자정책과 사무관
  • 1993~1994 : 국세청 국제조세국 사무관
  • 1986~1993 : 일선세무서 과장(직세과/부가가치세과/총무과), 세무공무원교육원 평가계장

이경근 박사는 2007년 이후 법무법인(유) 율촌의 자문부문을 이끌고 있으며, 주된 업무분야는 외국법인의 국내 진출, 인수합병 및 국내기업의 다양한 형태의 해외 투자시 발생하는 제반 법률 및 조세문제(이전가격 업무 포함)에 대한 자문입니다. 이경근 박사는 Chambers Asia-Pacific에 의해 2013년 이후 금년까지 계속하여 1등급군 Consultant (Band 1 Group of Consultants)로 평가를 받아 오고 있습니다.

이경근 박사는 기획재정부 재직 당시, 중국, 호주, 캐나다 등의 과세당국과의 조세조약 개정협상에 수석대표로 활동했으며, 1995년에는 이전가격세제 등 주요국제조세제도가 포함된 국제조세조정에 관한 법률 초안을 작성하는 등 우리나라 이전가격세제의 주요 기틀을 만들었습니다. 1999-2003년 중에는 OECD 재정위원회 사무국에서 이전가격세제 등을 다루는 부서의 주무행정관으로 근무했으며 2003-2007년 동안 조세심판원 과장, 재정부 소득세제과장, 국제조세과장, 법인세제과장을 역임한 바 있습니다. 또한, 2005년 7월부터 만 4년간 UN 조세전문가 위원회 부의장으로 활동했으며 동 위원회 「이전가격 소위원회」에 민간전문가 자격으로 참여한 바도 있습니다.

2019년 국제조세협회 이사장을 역임한 바도 있는 이경근 박사는 현재 세계은행 산하 국제투자분쟁해결기구 한국조정위원 및 조세일보 객원 논설위원으로도 활동하고 있습니다.